Machine Learning: GANS    
Josh Murr

19.01.21 / 21.01.21
Sign Up Now Closed

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)  have become the leading machine learning model architecture for those looking to produce novel high-quality images. The aim of the first part of this workshop is give a high-level understanding of what a GAN is and to find out why they are so good at generating images. You will also be shown how to build a dataset from a video online and use that to train a model as homework using Google Colab.

In the second session we will upload these models to an online platform where you will be able to interact with the model in real time to explore the limits and capabilities of the model created. Finally, information and advice will be given as to where to learn more, what useful tools are out there and how to take things further.

Josh Murr will be leading this workshop.

We are very excited to be collaborating with the UAL Creative Computing Institute to offer this opportunity to accelerate your work with GANS.

Creativity plus computation with CSM Digital Innovation Season + UAL Creative Computing Institute.

Josh Murr

Josh Murr has an interest in making rich interactive experiences online. Recent research has been in exploring the possibilities of generative machine learning on the web for image/video making, educational purposes and bringing seemingly complex systems on to everyday computers.

2x 2h workshops

Tuesday 19th January   - 6pm-8pm GMT
Thursday 21st January  - 6pm-8pm GMT

Familiarity with Python would be beneficial but not essential.

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Digital Innovation Season Team