Machine Learning for Artists & Designers
Gene Kogan

This workshop introduces the application of machine learning to art, design, and interactivity. Machine learning is a field in computer science which tries to make computers smarter by letting them learn from vast amounts of data to solve problems in artificial intelligence. We will show how to apply machine learning for processing multimedia data toward the creation of AI-assisted generative art and interactive installation.
Students will produce visual artworks through a collection of readymade software tools. The workshop will include a theoretical overview of the techniques, an introduction to the tools, and some critical discussion of AI technology in society. Among the skills we will learn, some will be for real-time and interactive contexts, such as webcam image classification and audio clustering and navigation, while others are non-real-time, including algorithms for generative graphics.

Gene Kogan

Gene Kogan is an artist and a programmer who is interested in autonomous systems, collective intelligence, generative art, and computer science. He is a collaborator within numerous open-source software projects, and gives workshops and lectures on topics at the intersection of code and art. Gene initiated ml4a, a free book about machine learning for creative practice, and regularly publishes video lectures, writings, and tutorials to facilitate a greater public understanding of the subject.

4h seminar

Saturday December 5th 2020


This will be straightforward for beginners who use Runway ML, ml5.js, but all are welcome.

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